1 button mounting... fly or run... works in Dalaran too!

Posted by Weezzii in , ,

Yep.. just like the title says.
This is something else that's been out for a little while without having the exposure it probably should.
Single button mounting for ground or flying mounts... works in Dalaran n' everything.

/run C=CallCompanion if(not IsMounted())then if(((GetZoneText()=="Dalaran")and(GetSubZoneText()~="Krasus' Landing"))or(GetZoneText()=="Wintergrasp")or not IsFlyableArea()or IsModifierKeyDown())then C("MOUNT",x)else C("MOUNT",y)end end

Replace "x" and "y" with whatever number your mounts are in the mount tab.
X is your ground mount and Y is your flyable.



if you're mounted on your ground mount and run into a flying place and hit this, will it mount you or do you have to hit it twice to dismount you first?

It'll dismount you first.

I tried this a while back, good macro but has some gliches.

Can you have one that only puts you in epic mounts?

Hmm, not sure what you mean. I have the above macro set up to put me on my epic ground mount in Wintergrasp, Dalaran, and Azeroth.... while it puts me on my flying epic mount everywhere else.

"I tried this a while back, good macro but has some gliches.

Can you have one that only puts you in epic mounts?"

This macro doesn't cycle mounts, you have to specify which mount you want to use.

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A nice addon to cycle thru Mounts, you can specify Epic or Regular, is Livestock (http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/livestock.aspx).

You can have a visible bar or have it make a macro that you can assign a hotkey to. It has "Smart Mount" (basic fly mount here, ground mount there). Personally ever since Weezzii showed me the light of Opie, I've been using that to get on my Badass Hog (and other not so badass ground mounts when I need to be able to dismount quickly).


/run C=CallCompanion if(((GetZoneText()=="Dalaran")and(GetSubZoneText()~="Krasus' Landing"))or(GetZoneText()=="Wintergrasp")or not IsFlyableArea()or IsModifierKeyDown())then C("MOUNT",x)else C("MOUNT",y) end

I'm using it like this so if i'm ground mounted and i run to a flyable place i can just hit it once and it casts my flyerthingy.

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