1 button mounting... fly or run... works in Dalaran too!
Posted by Weezzii in macro, ui, weezzii
Yep.. just like the title says.
This is something else that's been out for a little while without having the exposure it probably should.
Single button mounting for ground or flying mounts... works in Dalaran n' everything.
/run C=CallCompanion if(not IsMounted())then if(((GetZoneText()=="Dalaran")and(GetSubZoneText()~="Krasus' Landing"))or(GetZoneText()=="Wintergrasp")or not IsFlyableArea()or IsModifierKeyDown())then C("MOUNT",x)else C("MOUNT",y)end end
Replace "x" and "y" with whatever number your mounts are in the mount tab.
X is your ground mount and Y is your flyable.