I've got my gear.. AFK 'til new stuff comes out
Posted by Weezzii in guild relations, omgepix, weezzii
This fantastic topic popped up over on World of Matticus the other day. It's since been snagged as a debate topic on a number of blogs, where there has been a lot of opposing points of view.
I assume many of our readers won't follow the link... so here's the condensed version:
Matticus received an in-game mail from one of their core healers:
“Hey Matt, I’ve decided to take a break from WoW until Ulduar comes out. I’ve gotten what I need to prepare myself for it and I don’t want to burn myself too early. Thanks for understanding.”
That healer has been to all of their raids... and is probably the best geared of the lot. So.. as a GM, what is a proper course of action for Matticus to take? kick.. demotion.. irl beatdown... etc.
It's a tricky situation and it's definitely handled very differently depending on the guild your in. I spent time fleshing out my thoughts about the subject on another blog, but I was wondering if any of you (all 3 that probably read this) have some thoughts about this topic.
*GASP*... "You mean you want us to respond, Weezzii?"
yar. thoughts/comments... ?